Sequence Control and Lab.-Programmable Logic Controller Principles and Applications (PLC自動化)




  • Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) principles and applications for manufacturing process automation.
  • This class is taught in English.
  • This is a distance learning course.
  • Provide a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment that encourages aptitude of independent learning.



To learn a PLC technology and applications and DIY hands-on laboratories to practice PLC-based manufacturing process automation. It is important for mechanical and automation engineers to familiar with the PLC principles and applications for manufacturing process. The objectives of this course include: 

  • Introduction to the principles and applications of PLC technology for manufacturing processes automation.
  • Providing a system of integration techniques of PLC technology for manufacturing processes automation.



           Sophomore Students






           Upon the completion of this course, students are expected to:

  • Have a broad range of knowledge of PLC-based automatic system integration techniques for manufacturing processes.
  • Be able to define major PLC-controlled manufacturing process terminology in English.
  • Understand some principles of PLC technology and programming.
  • Identify PLC hardware and I/O devices involved in manufacturing process automation system design.
  • Correctly utilize a variety of technical terminology needed to communicate in an automation environment.

